Netdata is Real Time Server Health Monitoring Software

Netdata is Real Time Server Health Monitoring Software

Netdata is an open source tool to visualize and monitor real-time metrics, optimized to accumulate all types of data, such as CPU usage, disk activity, SQL queries, visits to a website, etc.


You can quickly install netdata on a Linux box (physical, virtual, container, IoT) with the following command:

bash <(curl -Ss

The above command will:

  1. install any required packages on your system (it will ask you to confirm before doing so),
  2. compile it, install it and start it
How to access netdata


Netdata is open-source, free, super fast, very easy, completely open, extremely efficient, flexible and integrate-able.

It has been designed by SysAdmins, DevOps and Developers for troubleshooting performance problems, not just visualize metrics.

Key Terms:

  • Netdata

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