How to convert QCOW2 image to OVA format on Windows - BRS MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES
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How to convert QCOW2 image to OVA format on Windows

Question: I have downloaded a virtual appliance packaged in QCOW2 format. I want to convert the QCOW2 image to OVA format, so that I can run the virtual appliance on VirtualBox hypervisor. How can I convert QCOW2 image to OVA format on Windows?

QEMU disk image utility for Windows. It is used for converting, creating, and consistency checking of various virtual disk formats. It is compatible with Hyper-V, KVM, VMware, VirtualBox, and Xen virtualization solutions. This build has been optimized for Windows Server (x64).

Usage examples: Convert a QCOW2, RAW, VMDK or VDI image to VHDX

qemu-img.exe convert source.img -O vhdx -o subformat=dynamic dest.vhdx

Convert a QCOW2, RAW, VMDK or VDI image to VHD

qemu-img.exe convert source.img -O vpc -o subformat=dynamic dest.vhd

Subformat can be either “dynamic” or “fixed” for VHD (vpc) or VHDX.

Note: use the fixed VHD subformat for Azure, the conversion will automatically take care of the required 1MB virtual size alignment.

Check a virtual disk for consistency

qemu-img.exe check source.qcow2

Get info about a virtual disk

qemu-img.exe info image.qcow2

Run qemu-img.exe -h or see the manual page for a complete list of all supported options.

Supported formats:

Image formatArgument for -f and -O options
VMDK (VMWare)vmdk
QCOW2 (KVM, Xen)qcow2
VHD (Hyper-V)vpc
VHDX (Hyper-V)vhdx
VDI (VirtualBox)vdi

Download binaries


Source code:
QEMU’s project main page:
Alternative QEMU binaries:

Key Terms:

  • KVM
  • ,
  • open-source virtualization platform
  • ,
  • OVA
  • ,
  • QCOW2
  • ,
  • Windows

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