How To Install Virtualmin with Webmin, LAMP, BIND, and PostFix on Ubuntu 18.04 - BRS MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES
Virtualmin Webmin Install

How To Install Virtualmin with Webmin, LAMP, BIND, and PostFix on Ubuntu 18.04

How To Install Virtualmin with Webmin, LAMP, BIND, and PostFix on Linux Ubuntu 18.04

Webmin is a web front-end that allows you to manage your server remotely through a browser. Virtualmin is a plugin for Webmin that simplifies the management of multiple virtual hosts through a single interface.

Once you install Virtualmin and its components, you’ll configure Webmin through its graphical interface and create a new virtual host with Virtualmin.

Once you complete this tutorial you will be able to create any number of user accounts to host multiple domains on a single server through your browser.

In this tutorial, you’ll use a script to install the free edition, Virtualmin GPL. This script will install everything you need to use Virtualmin, including Webmin and the following prerequisites:

1. A LAMP stack (Apache, PHP, and MySQL), for serving web sites and web applications.

2. BIND, a DNS server.

3. PostFix, a mail server.

Once you install Virtualmin and its components, you’ll configure Webmin through its graphical interface and create a new virtual host with Virtualmin. Once you complete this tutorial you will be able to create any number of user accounts to host multiple domains on a single server through your browser.

Step 1 — Setting the Hostname and FQDN

Step 2 — Installing Virtualmin

Step 3 — Configuring Webmin’s Root Password

Step 4 — Configuring Webmin Using The Post-Installion Wizard

Step 5 — Creating A New Virtual Server

Script for Installation:

The easiest way to get the install script onto your server, is to login to your server and use wget or curl.

$ sudo apt-get install wget
$ wget
$ sudo /bin/sh


The Virtualmin install script can setup Apache or nginx. The default, and best-tested and most feature-complete, is Apache. But, if you prefer nginx, you can install a bundle with the LEMP stack instead of the LAMP stack. Use the –bundle LEMP option for nginx.

$ sudo /bin/sh --bundle LEMP


The full LAMP or LEMP stack, plus a full mail processing stack including SpamAssassin and ClamAV, is quite large, requiring about 1GB minimum system memory in order to function well (and more is better). If you’re using a lower memory system, it’s not recommended, and maybe not even possible, to run the full mail stack along with LAMP or LEMP.

So, an installation option, –minimal, that leaves off much of the mail processing stack. The installed components can still send and receive mail from local processes, but spam and AV scanning will need to be outsourced to a remote system, and several other ancillary packages will not be installed. The minimal installation type can probably operate OK with only 512MB of RAM

$ sudo /bin/sh --minimal


In this tutorial, you configured Virtualmin and used its interface to create a virtual server and a new administrative user for that server.

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Tutorial Topic Covered

  1. Type 1 Virtualization – Bare Metal Virtualization
  2. Proxmox Virtualization Server
  3. Debian 10.5 Minimal Server Installation
  4. Virtualmin Webmin Installation
  5. Virtualmin With Nginx Web Server and MariaDB Database
  6. Data center Technology
  7. Cloud Technology

How to Install Virtualmin and Webmin, LEMP, BIND, PostFix with NGINX and MariaDB on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

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Key Terms:

  • LAMP
  • ,
  • LEMP
  • ,
  • ,
  • Open Source Software
  • ,
  • Proxmox
  • ,
  • Virtualmin

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